Upon completion of our first year, we revisited our mission and vision statements. The fundamentals which brought the original members together remain the same, and we share our original common values.
Vision and Basic Core Values
Our Vision is to:
- Live by the values of truth, peace, equality and simplicity
- Be a loving community looking for goodness in all people
- Become a pattern and example of sustainable living
- Hold Maningham as a nurturing spiritual place offering care and support
- Be multi-faith and inclusive
- Maintain at our core, love and care for the planet and all beings, as we face a climate and ecological emergency

The community recognises the need to get further clarity around mission and purpose. However, there are some basic agreements. They are as follows:
- To create a space (one dedicated room) for those less fortunate by 2026. e.g. refugees, those displaced by climate change, those marginalised. We anticipate this room to be a flexible unit with the aim to help others
- To focus on sustainability projects:
- Water catchment
- Alternative power
- Car sharing
- Have enough food growing to meet 60% of our needs
- We will work toward 75% self-sufficiency over the next 5 to 10 years.
Interested in joining our community?
- Please download and fill in our enquirers’ form.
- Also write your “Who Am I?” text – (click ‘Download “Who Am I?” format’ for guidance).
- Submit both documents on our contact page.
- Thanks! We shall contact you and may invite you to a Zoom meeting with us.
- Contact us if you are interested in visiting.